Wednesday 5 February 2014

Relate teams with Curve Agency to expand its digital footprint

UK charity Relate has teamed with Curve Agency to launch a new website as part of the alignment and expansion of its digital footprint. With half of users accessing the site via mobile and tablet, the charity has prioritised privacy and fast access to content so that people can get information and services on the go.

Using the open source platform Drupal, the wider project will reposition Relate’s online presence as a seamless, coordinated offering which provides access to online and offline services where and when the user needs them.

This website now has a clear site-wide menu to rationalise the user journey and a search function which enables task-oriented navigation. Improved accuracy and design of the map tool enables users to find Relate locally and new rich content such as videos, photography and counsellor blogs keep the site engaging and dynamic.

Going forward, Relate plans to utilise its web presence to more effectively mobilise campaigners, as well as integrating up to 65 local Relate Centres’ websites with the national site. Ultimately, the charity is looking ahead to ensure it is poised to capitalise on the power of the social web.

Chris Sherwood, Director of Policy and External Affairs at Relate, said: “A million people came to Relate for support online last year and this number is growing rapidly. The digital medium provides a hugely important interface with anyone interested in improving their relationships, so it’s vital that we’re able to meet users’ changing needs.”

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